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6. Tân ngữ (complement / object) và các vấn đề liên quan

6.1 Động từ dùng làm tân ngữ

Không phải bất cứ động từ nào trong tiếng Anh cũng đều đ̣i hỏi tân ngữ đứng sau nó là một danh từ. Một số các động từ lại đ̣i hỏi tân ngữ sau nó phải là một động từ khác. Động từ dùng làm tân ngữ được chia làm hai loại:
6.1.1. Loại 1: Động từ nguyên thể làm tân ngữ (to + verb)


Bảng dưới đây là những động từ đ̣i hỏi tân ngữ sau nó là một động từ nguyên thể khác.

demand desire
hesitate hope
offer plan
seem strive

John expects to begin studying law next semester.
Mary learned to swim when she was very young.
The committee decided to postpone the meeting.
The president will attempt to reduce inflation rate.


Trong câu phủ định, thêm not vào trước động từ làm tân ngữ:
John decided not to buy the car.

6.1.2. Loại 2: Động từ Verb-ing dùng làm tân ngữ


Bảng dưới đây là những động từ đ̣i hỏi tân ngữ theo sau nó phải là một Verb-ing

can't help
resist enjoy
resume suggest

John admitted stealing the jewels.
We enjoyed seeing them again after so many years.
You shouldn’t risk entering that building in its present condition.
He was considering buying a new car until the prices went up.
The Coast Guard has reported seeing another ship in the Florida Straits.


Trong câu phủ định, thêm not vào trước Verb-ing.
John regretted not buying the car.

Lưu ư rằng trong bảng này có mẫu động từ can't help doing/ but do smt có nghĩa ‘không thể đừng được phải làm ǵ’
With such good oranges, we can't help buying two kilos at a time.

6.1.3 Bảng dưới đây là những động từ mà tân ngữ sau nó có thể là một động từ nguyên thể hoặc một verb-ing mà ngữ nghĩa không thay đổi.
can't stand continue
dread hate
like love
prefer start

He started to study after dinner = he started studying after dinner.

Lưu ư rằng trong bảng này có một động từ can't stand to do/doing smt: không thể chịu đựng được khi phải làm ǵ.
He can't stand to wait (waiting) such a long time.
6.1.4 Bốn động từ đặc biệt

Đó là những động từ mà ngữ nghĩa của chúng sẽ đổi khác hoàn toàn khi tân ngữ sau nó là một động từ nguyên thể hoặc verb-ing.

1a) Stop to do smt: dừng lại để làm ǵ
He stoped to smoke = Anh ta dừng lại để hút thuốc.
1b) Stop doing smt: dừng làm việc ǵ
He stoped smoking = Anh ta đă bỏ thuốc.
2a) Remember to do smt: Nhớ sẽ phải làm ǵ
Remember to send this letter. = Hăy nhớ gửi bức thư này nhé.
2b) Remember doing smt: Nhớ là đă làm ǵ
I remember locking the door before leaving, but now I can't find the key.
Đặc biệt nó thường được dùng với mẫu câu: S + still remember + V-ing : Vẫn c̣n nhớ là đă...
I still remember buying the first motorbike
3a) Forget to do smt: quên sẽ phải làm ǵ
I forgot to pickup my child after school = Tôi quên không đón con.
3b) Forget doing smt: (quên là đă làm ǵ). Đặc biệt nó thường được dùng với mẫu câu S + will never forget + V-ing: sẽ không bao giờ quên được là đă ...
She will never forget meeting the Queen = Cô ấy không bao giờ quên lần gặp Nữ hoàng
4a) Regret to do smt: Lấy làm tiếc v́ phải làm ǵ (thường dùng khi báo tin xấu)
We regret to inform the passengers that the flight for Washington DC was canceled because of the bad weather.
4b) Regret doing smt: Lấy làm tiếc v́ đă làm ǵ
He regrets leaving school early. It's the biggest mistake in his life.
6.1.5 Động từ đứng sau giới từ

Tất cả các động từ đứng ngay sau giới từ đều phải ở dạng V-ing. Verb + preposition + verb-ing

Sau đây là bảng các động từ có giới từ theo sau, v́ vậy các động từ khác đi sau động từ này phải dùng ở dạng verb-ing.

Verb + prepositions + V-ing
approve of
be better of
count on
depend on give up
insist on
keep on
put off rely on
succeed in
think about
think of worry abount
object to
look forward to
confess to

John gave up smoking because of his doctor’s advice.
He insisted on taking the bus instead of the plane.
Hery is thinking of going to France next year.
Fred confessed to stealing the jewels

Chú ư rằng ở 3 động từ cuối cùng trong bảng trên, có giới từ to đi sau động từ. Đó là giới từ chứ không phải là to trong động từ nguyên thể (to do st), nên theo sau nó phải là một verb-ing chứ không phải là một verb nguyên thể.

We are not looking forward to going back to school.
Jill objected to receiving the new position.
He confessed to causing the fire. Adjective + preposition + verb-ing:

Adjective + prepositions + V-ing
accustomed to
afraid of intent on
interested in capable of
fond of successful in
tired of

Mitch is afraid of getting married now.
We are accustomed to sleeping late on weekends.
I am fond of dancing.
We are interested in seeing this film. Noun + preposition + verb-ing:

Noun + prepositions + V-ing
choice of
excuse for intention of
method for possibility of
reason for (method of)

There is no reason for leaving this early.
George has no excuse for droping out of school.
There is a possibility of acquiring this property at a good price.
He has developed a method for evaluating this problem.

Các trường hợp khác:
Trong các trường hợp khác, động từ đi sau giới từ cũng phải ở dạng verb-ing.
After leaving the party, he drove home.
He should have stayed in New York instead of moving to Maine.
6.1.6 Động từ đi sau tính từ:

Nói chung, nếu động từ đi ngay sau tính từ (không có giới từ) th́ được dùng ở dạng nguyên thể. Những tính từ đó bao gồm.
hard eager
strange pleased
able usual

It is dangerous to drive in this weather.
Mike is anxious to see his family.
We are ready to leave now.
It is difficult to pass this test.

Chú ư: able và capable có nghĩa như nhau nhưng cách dùng khác nhau:
(able/ unable) to do smt = (capable/ incapable) of doing smt.
6.2 Đại từ đứng trước động từ nguyên thể hoặc V-ing trong tân ngữ
6.2.1 Trường hợp tân ngữ là động từ nguyên thể

Trong trường hợp tân ngữ là động từ nguyên thể (loại 1) th́ bất cứ danh từ hay đại từ nào trực tiếp đứng trước nó cũng phải ở dạng tân ngữ (complement form).
Joe asked her to call him.

S + V + {pronoun/ noun in complement form} + [to + verb] ...

Sau đây là một số động từ đ̣i hỏi tân ngữ là một động từ nguyên thể có đại từ làm tân ngữ gián tiếp.
beg convince
instruct invite
permit persuade
promise remind

We ordered him to appear in court.
I urge you to reconsider your decision.
They were trying to persuade him to change his mind.
The teacher permitted them to turn their assignments in late.
You should prepare your son to take this examination.

6.2.2 Trường hợp tân ngữ là V-ing

Trong trường hợp tân ngữ là một V- ing th́ đại từ/danh từ phải ở dạng sở hữu.

Subject + verb + {pronoun/ noun}(possessive form) + verb-ing...

We understand your not being able to stay longer.
We object to their calling at this hour.
He regrets her leaving.
We are looking forward to their coming next year.
We don’t approve of John’s buying this house.
We resent the teacher’s not announcing the test sooner.


An adjective is a word that describes. Adjectives convey a sense of which, what kind, or how many/much. Adjectives describe nouns or pronouns.
Last summer I climbed that mountain. (which)

I prefer red apples. (what kind)

I want six oranges. (how many)

It was a cold, gray, and ominous dawn. (what kind)

The dawn was bright, clear, and invigorating. (what kind)

The Rosemont team is better than the Middlesboro team, but Ashland is the best team. (comparative and superlative adjectives)

Timothy is a fast runner; Harold is faster than Timothy, and Martin is the fastest runner.

The sentence immediately above displays the base adjective fast and the comparative and superlative forms of the adjective. Note that an adjective, expressed in comparative degree, is meaningless if it is not compared to something. Advertisers frequently use a comparative adjective without a comparison, e.g., Our laundry soap is better. Their laundry soap is better than what? No soap? Leaving your clothing out in the rain?
adjective comparison examples

positive (base) comparative superlative

hot hotter hottest
new newer newest
pretty prettier prettiest
bright brighter brightest

Some adjectives have irregular comparative and superlative forms.
irregular adjective forms

good better best
bad worse worst
some more most

For some adjectives formation of the comparative requires the word more, and formation of the superlative requires the word most.
adjectives formed with more/most

popular more popular most popular
famous more famous most famous
gorgeous more gorgeous most gorgeous

Consult your dictionary to determine how to form the comparative and superlative versions of the adjective. Find the word new in your dictionary. It will be listed as an adjective. You will find the comparative ending (er) and the superlative ending (est) listed. Consequently, the comparative form is newer, and the superlative form is newest.

Find the word hot in your dictionary. The spelling of the comparative and superlative forms requires the (er) and the (est), but another spelling change is also required. Consequently, the comparative form is listed as hotter, and the superlative form is listed as hottest. Note the addition of a second letter (t) in the comparative and superlative forms of the adjective.

Find the word good in your dictionary. The dictionary lists good as an adjective. The comparative form is listed as better, and the superlative form is listed as best.

Find the word popular in your dictionary. It is listed as an adjective, but neither a comparative form nor a superlative form is listed. That is a clue that we must preface the comparative form with the word more and the superlative form with the word most.

Some adjectives cannot, logically, be expressed in degree, i.e., comparative or superlative. There are no degrees for infinite, perfect, unique, or pregnant.

Strangely, the word dead has comparative and superlative forms.

In English grammar the function of a word in a sentence determines the classification of the word. Some words can function in more than one classification. Consider the following examples.
Water sustains life. (noun)
Water the lawn. (verb)
He likes water sports. (adjective)

A few more examples of adjective usage are shown below.
Have you seen Orville's flying machine?
That was an inspiring lecture.
This is the ultimate analysis.

Some verbs and nouns may function as adjectives. The word fly is a verb, but when the verb is used to describe a noun as in flying machine, the verb fuctions as an adjective. Inspire is a verb, but when it is used to describe a noun as in inspiring lecture, the verb functions as an adjective.

The word compass is a noun, and the word needle is a noun. However, when nouns are employed in pairs as in compass needle, the first noun may function as an adjective that describes the second noun.
The compass needle is broken.

What kind of needle? Answer: compass—not a sewing needle. The word compass functions as an adjective that describes the needle.

Frequently used noun pairs are eventually joined to form a single word. Thus, the nouns basket and ball became basketball. The nouns base and ball became baseball, and the nouns foot and ball became football. Words so joined are called compound words. The compounded noun retains the adjectival information, e.g., the compound noun basketball describes the kind of ball. Use your dictionary to determine whether words have been compounded.

A pronoun may fuction as an adjective. The word this is a demonstrative pronoun that functions as an adjective in the following example.
I like this book.

Which book? Answer: this. The word this identifies which book I like.

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