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Do You Like To Contribute Your Planning For This New Year?
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Hello My Friends,
Let me briefly introduce myself to you. I'm a very ordinary person who is living in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam. Currently, I'm working as a taxi driver & a waiter.

I'm planning to have a holiday with my family in my poor home town. I haven't seen my family members for a very long time already. Hopefully, I'll have a wonderful new year with them.

What are you planning to do this new year? If you don't mind, please share your thinking with other friends.

I Wish You All The Best and Prosperous New Year.

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 REF: 68838

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Hi Bunny,
Thank-you very much for your compliment. I’ve studied English every day for more than 10 years by myself. I studied by listening English CD audios instead of any love songs. Just imagine yourself, if you listen to anything for more than 100 times, eventually you can repeat anything from that CD even in your sleeping. “Repetition is the mother of learning and the father of action”.

Chao Bunny,
Cam on nhieu ve loi khen cua Bunny nghen. Tui tu hoc Tieng Anh moi ngay hon 10 nam roi. Tui hoc bang cach nghe nhung dia CD tieng Anh thay vi nghe nhung ban nhac tru tinh. Bunny hay tuong tuong di, neu ban nghe bat cu cai gi hon ca 100 lan, sau cung, ban co the lap lai bat cu cai gi trong dia CD, va cung trong giac ngu cua ban. “Nhung su lap lai nhieu lan la mot nguoi me cua hoc hoi, va la nguoi cha cua hanh dong.”



 REF: 69015

  Thong bao cam nhan spam den webmaster  edit - sua bai, thay doi  edit - sua bai, thay doi post reply - goy y kien, dang bai
Hi su phu hoc tro toi tham su phu ne sao su phu dang noi phet toi dau roi?cho de tu tham gia voi dc ko?hihi



 REF: 69026

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Hi There,
Yeah, you can always participate in this forum at any time. You’re welcome. May I know your name please, student?. I’m constantly trying my best to improve my skills. In the future, if I make any mistakes, please forgive me. Will you accept that?

Chao Ai Do,
Vang, ban co the tham gia vao dien dan nay vao bat cu luc nao. Xin moi. Minh co the man phep biet ten ban duoc khong, de tu?. Minh thi luc nao cung co gang lam cho cai nghe noi phet nay them phong phu hon. Trong tuong lai, neu minh co lam loi gi, lam on bo qua gium nha. Ban chap nhan duoc khong?



 REF: 69247

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Hi su phu
De tu hom nay busy qua ko the ngoi lau de hoc voi su phu duoc vay hom nay su phu cho phep de tu skip class one day nha tai vi de tu mac di choi voi boyfriend nen ko the hoc noi phet duoc sorry nhe Mr.Lynhat hihihi
Bye bye



 REF: 69554

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How is your week-end with your boy friend?
Cuoi tuan Bunny di choi voi ban trai sao roi?

Lesson Number 1 : Smile
You can use smiles in all contacts with others. When you meet someone for the first or 100th time, greet a person with a smile. When you’re making an opinion about a product, a person, smile. If someone scolds you, smile and you melt down the other person fast. Smiling is a wonderful way to melt down enemies such as disappointment, frustration, and fear.

Bai Hoc Thu Nhat : Nu Cuoi
Ban co the xu dung nu cuoi khi tiep xuc voi moi nguoi. Khi ban gap mot nguoi lan dau tien hoac la lan thu 100, chao hoi bang mot nu cuoi. Khi ban cho y kien ve mot mac hang, ve mot nguoi, no mot nu cuoi. Khi co nguoi khien trach ban, cuoi va ban se lam giam xuong con nong gian cua nguoi do that nhanh. Nu cuoi la mot con duong tot lam giam xuong cua nhung ke thu nhu : that vong, gian hoac so hai.



 REF: 69723

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English Version :
Hi Bunny & Other Friends,

Where are you now?. If you want to learn the chatting skills, you have to be consistent attending class, otherwise how could you master it?

This is lesson number 2 : Humor is Power, Use It.

When you project humor (sometimes by telling a quick jokes) or when you see something funny even in difficult situation, other people appreciate, and come closer to you. Humor is like a magnet in drawing people to you. People always like to be around someone who helps them smile, laugh, and enjoy a moment. And people always want to avoid the fault finders, who can’t smile and sees only the negative in every situations.

Humor reduces blood pressure, promotes relaxation and helps people forget their worries.

Life is too short to spend it being long-faced.



 REF: 69724

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Ban Chu Viet :
Chao Bunny va Cac Ban,

Bunny dau roi?. Neu Bunny muon hoc nghe noi doc (noi phet), ban phai den lop hoc thuong xuyen, neu khong lam sao ban di den tuyet dinh cua no.

Day la bai hoc thu hai : Di dom (hay la trao phung). Xu dung No.

Khi ban dem su di dom (thinh thoang noi ve mot chuyen vui) hoac la ban nhin su viec trao phung trong nhung truong hop kho khan, nguoi khac se thich va den gan ban. Di dom giong nhu la mot cuc nam cham keo nguoi khac lai gan ban. Nguoi ta luon luon thich lai gan voi nhung nguoi giup ho co duoc nu cuoi va vui ve trong giay phut. Va nguoi ta thuong hay tranh xa nhung nguoi luon luon tim su loi lam, khong co nu cuoi va nhin am dam vao nhung su viec.

Di dom lam giam mau cao, giup do co the thoai mai and giup do nguoi khac quen di nhung su lo lang.

Cuoc song rat la ngan ngui khi xai no vao nhung khuon mat sau nao.



 REF: 69726

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Ban Tieng Hoa :
Rat tiec "Nhip Cau Duyen", dien dan nay khong co phuong tien danh Tieng Hoa. Neu khong tui cho ra tron bo mot chut xiu ve phan noi phet roi.



 REF: 69924

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Hi Mr.Lynhat how are u?couple days ago i was sick its killed me because the weather make me sick.I just absent few day u gave me many lesson how can i study all of them, but thats ok i will learn the lesson 1 Smile hihihihihihihihahahaha Is that right?



 REF: 69946

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Hi Bunny & Other Friends,
Chao Bunny Va Cac Ban,

I am extremely fine. Last week-end, you told me that you were going out with your beloved. Now you are sick. What did you do to him? And now you blamed the weather. Take care of your health otherwise the whole body might be paralysed.

Minh rat la khoe. Tuan vua roi, Bunny noi voi minh la ban di dao pho voi nguoi yeu. Bay gio ban benh. Bunny da lam cai gi voi nguoi yeu? Va hien gio Ban doi thua thoi tiet?. Rang bao trong suc khoe cua ban, neu khong thi tat ca bo phan trong nguoi co the dieu bi te liet.

This is lesson number 3 of chatting : Listen.
Day la bai hoc thu ba cua noi phet : Lang nghe.

Listen, and you give the gifts of understanding, of sympathy and of support.
Lang nghe va ban tang nhung cai qua cua su hieu biet, su thong cam va giup do.

Remember, listening shows love. It tells another person, “I’m your friend. I care about you.”
Nen nho, lang nghe la bieu lo tinh thuong, tinh yeu. No noi voi nguoi doi dien, “Tui la ban cua anh / chi. Tui lo lang cho ban.”

Than Ai,



 REF: 71078

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Hi lynhat
Thôi chạy cho lẹ chứ ko thôi lynhat bắt quả tang mình skip class...



 REF: 71085

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Hi Bunny,
What are you doing?. Why do skip classes?. I forgive you this time. Next time, if it occurs again, I reward you with a few sticks on your buttocks.

Chao Bunny,
Ban dang lam gi dzay?. Tai sao ban tron lop hoai vay?. Tui tha thu cho lan nay nha. Lan sau, neu con tai dien nua, thi tui thuong cho ban vai roi vao mong do.
Than Ai,



 REF: 71209

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Teacher gì mà bạo lực quá định đánh dô mông đít của em lỡ thầy quýnh mạnh quá em sẽ khóc tới lúc đó thầy dỗ em tới tối chắc em hỏng nín đâu huhuhu



 REF: 71227

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Hi Bunny,
I’ll train you how to be competent person in the field of chatting. Stop crying, be brave like an adult.

The eyes truly are the mirror of the soul. Eyes always tell the truth about you you feel. At any moment, one’s eyes can express love, disgust, hate, fear, or whatever emotion one feels.

A similar experiment will illustrate this. Select a friend to help you discover revealing power of your eyes. Look at your friend and for two or three seconds think deeply and sincerely, “I love you”. Then ask your friend, “What did my eyes say?”. Your friend may say, “Your eyes said you like or love me”. Then without changing your facial expression, look at your friend with hate and anger in your mind. Again, ask your friend, “What did my eyes say?”. And the other person will respond, “Your eyes said you don’t like me”.

Remember, your eyes are a picture of your soul. No one, absolutely no one, can change the image his or her eyes project without first changing the way he or she thinks.




 REF: 71228

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Chao Bunny,
Tui se chi dan cho ban tro thanh mot nguoi co kha nang trong lanh vuc noi doc, boc phet. Dung khoc, can dam giong nhu mot nguoi lon.

Doi mat that su la mot tam guong cua tam hon. Doi mat luon luon noi len cam giac su that cua mot nguoi. Bat cu luc nao, doi mat cua mot nguoi co the noi len tinh cam, ghe tom, ghet, so hoac bat cu cam tinh nao cua mot nguoi.

Mot thi du tuong tu de giai thich ve van de nay. Chon mot nguoi ban giup Bunny kham pha ra suc manh cua doi mat ban. Nhin thang vao doi mat cua ban Bunny va hai hoac 3 giay, nghi that sau va thanh that, “tui co cam tinh voi ban”. Sau do hoi nguoi ban cua Bunny, “Doi mat cua tui noi cai gi dzay?”. Ban cua Bunny co the noi, “Doi mat cua Bunny noi len thich hoac thuong tui”. Cung mot luc dung thay doi khuon mat, nhin thang vao nguoi ban cua Bunny voi su ghet va gian trong tu tuong. Mot lan nua, hoi nguoi ban, “Doi mat tui noi cai gi dzay?”. Va nguoi ban se tra loi, “Doi mat cua Bunny noi len khong thich tui”.

Hay nen nho, doi mat la cua so cua mot tam hon. Khong nguoi nao, chac chac khong nguoi nao, co the thay doi hinh anh trong doi mat ban dien ra ma khong co dau tien thay doi su suy nghi trong tu tuong.

Than Ai,


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