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phầm mềm nghe tiếng anh
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ḿnh muốn biêtcó phần mêm nào nghe học tiếng anh không xin các bạn giúp nha

Alert webmaster - Báo webmaster bài viết vi phạm nội quy


 REF: 71424

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Chao tdhcd45,
Tui co mot y kien nho, do la ban tdhcd45 muon hoc cach phien am tung chu Tieng Anh cho dung giong (Giong My), thi ban tdhcd45 co the mua cai dia CD goi la “Oxford Talking Dictionary” hay la co nhieu dia CD tuong tu. Dia CD “Oxford Talking Dictionary”, co dich sang Tieng Viet, Anh va Anh, Viet. Ban chi danh mot chu nao do vao do, va ban tdhcd45 bam nut noi, tu dong no noi, sau do ban doc lai nhieu lan. Tu tu ban se nghe duoc va noi duoc dung giong. Dia nay ban tdhcd45 co the mua tai nhung cho ban CD o Sai Gon. Gia tien rat la re.

Neu ban tdhcd45 muon hoc phan mem ve cach doi thoai, ve giao thiep, ve xa hoi, ve lich su, ve kinh doanh v….v. tuy theo so thich va kha nang hien gio cua ban tdhcd45. Ban co the den nhung tiem sach sau day de lua chon :

1) Nha sach Nguyen Van Cu - o duong Nguyen Van Cu - Quan 5.

2) Nha sach Khai Tri - o duong Le Loi - Quan 1.

3) Nha sach Xuan Thu - duong nhu la duong Nam Ky Khoi Nghia thi phai ( noi ma tu duong Le Loi di mot doan re nguoc vao duong mot chieu.. di tiep mot doan thi gap). Noi do nguoi ta bay ban cac sach chuyen de viet bang tieng Anh, roi tieng Viet luon.

4) Nha sach Quang Minh o so 416 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai, P.5, Quan 3.

Moi ngay ban tdhcd45 co gang tap nghe khoang it nhat la mot tieng dong ho. Thay vi nghe nhac vao buoi toi de giai tri, ban nghe hoc Tieng Anh rat la nhieu lan, giong nhu nghe nhac vay. Tu tu ban co the nghe duoc nhung gi tu dia CD noi, va co the noi duoc giong nhu dia CD.

Day la phuong phap tui chi cho ban do la “Tu Hoc Anh Van”. Phuong phap nay tui da ap dung cho chinh ban than tui.

Neu co gi thac mac them, ban tdhcd45 co the neu ra, cho cac ban khac gop y.

Goi Y : Neu ban tdhcd45 thich, thi ban co the hoc viet Tieng Anh trong muc nay. Ban tdhcd45 dung so viet sai chanh ta hay van pham, neu co ai cuoi hoac chi trich, do la quyen cua ho. Tui se co gang tra loi lai bang Tieng Anh. CHUNG TA CUNG HOC HOI LAN NHAU VE TIENG ANH. Moi bat dau hoc hoi thi di nhien la co sai, co sai thi sua lai, co nhu vay moi hoc hoi duoc, phai khong ban tdhcd45?

Than Ai,



 REF: 71513

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Hi! Lynhat
I am studying English but I have a problem: I often forget new words pass a short time. Inadition I had dificalty in expresstion or spent much time to find out the fit word when speaking and writing. Sometime I can't express my idea in E. I see that u use E very well when talking with Bunny.
If u don't mind, I want to make friend in order to I can discuss with you in this forum.
Please help me to use E like you.
You are my mirrow- words by heart



 REF: 71590

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Hello tungdaihiep,
How are you?. I’m very pleased to know you. Thank-you for your nice compliments. Of course, we can become friends to learn this new exciting and rich language. I can see you have a very strong foundation in English already. You keep improving all the time. I can assure you that within a short period of time (i.e 2 years), you can talk or write anything you like.

To answer your queries :
1) You keep looking and repeating old words every day.

2) It is quite normal to anyone having difficulties in expressing ideas in talking or writing. Don’t worry about that. You keep talking and writing like a small child. Eventually, you enjoy the benefits.

Let me share with you my few tricks for learning English :
1) I need to know myself vividly, why do I want to learn English?. I have to set up my burning desires first otherwise I won’t do anything. I want to learn English so that I can communicate to foreign people in tourist area. The reason is very simple because I’m a taxi driver.

2) I’m constantly listening to English Cds for a minimum of 2 hours a day, every day. Repetition is the mother of learning, that leads to the father of action.

3) I always make sure that I use simple words in talking or writing. I don’t use extravagant words.




 REF: 71591

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Chao tungdaihiep,
Anh khoe khong?. Tui rat la vui khi duoc biet anh. Cam on ve nhung loi dong vien cua anh. Di nhien, chung ta co the tro thanh ban voi nhau de hoc hoi ngon ngu thich thu va giau co nay. Tui thay anh co mot can ban Tieng Anh rat la vung chac roi. Anh cu tiep tuc trao gioi moi ngay. Tui co the bao dam voi anh trong vong mot thoi gian ngan (thi du nhu khoang 2 nam), anh co the noi va viet nhu y muon.

Tra loi nhung thac mac cua anh:
1) Anh hay nhin va lap lai nhung tu ngu cu moi ngay.

2) Do la mot viec rat thong thuong cho bat cu nguoi nao co nhung kho khan de dien dat tu tuong trong dam thoai hoac viet. Dung co lo lang. Anh cu noi va viet giong nhu mot dua tre dzay. Sau nay, anh huong duoc nhung loi ich.

De tui chia se nhung manh khoe cua tui hoc Anh Van voi anh:
1) Tui can phai biet that ro voi ban than tui, tai sao tui phai hoc Tieng Anh? Tui phai co mot cai long ham muon truoc, neu khong tui se chang lam cai gi ca. Tui muon hoc Tieng Anh de cho tui co the noi chuyen voi nhung nguoi ngoai quoc trong lanh vuc du lich. Ly do don gian boi vi tui la nguoi lai xe taxi.

2) Luc nao tui cung nghe nhung dia CD Anh Van it nhat la 2 tieng mot ngay, moi ngay. Su lap lai nhieu lan la nguoi me cua hoc hoi, va dan toi nguoi cha cua hanh dong.

3) Tui luon luon su dung nhung tu ngu that thong thuong trong luc noi chuyen hoac la viet. Tui khong co xai nhung tu ngu cau ky.

Than Ai,



 REF: 71639

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How do u do! Lynhat
Thank for your enthusiasm. I have joined this forum for 1 month and I picked up much knowledges from here. The two persons who make me respectful are u and OT. You gave valuable advices in the life and learning English. I think U'll achieve the good things in the future because U supported many ones that make you lucky.
Talking with you every day is my best way to learn English.
I am living in Hanoi, welcome my Sagon'friend.



 REF: 71664

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Hi everyone!Glad to meet you.
I also likes English so i agree with TDH 's idea
I hope we 'll be good friends!
Study,study more, study forever



 REF: 71693

  Thong bao cam nhan spam den webmaster  edit - sua bai, thay doi  edit - sua bai, thay doi post reply - goy y kien, dang bai
Xin chao cac ban!Cho minh tham gia dien dan voi nhe!Minh hoc kem TA lam.Cho nen cac ban dung cuoi minh nhe!Minh cung muon viet ma khong bi sai loi chinh ta, va co the viet duoc nhu tieng viet minh y.Vi vay minh mong cac ban giup do minh.Cac ban hay giup do minh them nhe!

Hi everybody.I'm happy to know you.I hope you will help me to learn E better!
Hi lynhat!How are U?Do your work still good?I hope you help me!



 REF: 71703

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Hi tungdaihiep, Mixika, guest and other friends,
Hi, Tungdaihiep,
Your English is very good. I strongly believed that you’ve invested a lot of time in learning this language.

Hi Mixika, guest,
Please, don’t be embarrassed in making mistakes. Everyone makes mistake that is the ONLY way we learn new things. Don’t you agree?.

Today, I don’t have much time to communicate with all of you. I’ll see you on Monday.


Chao tungdaihiep, Mixika, guest, va cac ban,
Chao Tungdaihiep,
Anh van cua anh rat la gioi. Tui biet chac chan anh da dau tu rat nhieu thoi gio ve mon hoc nay.

Chao Mixika, guest,
Cac ban dung co mac co khi bi lam loi. Bat cu nguoi nao cung dieu co su lam loi, do la con duong DUY NHAT de chung ta hoc hoi nhung dieu moi la. Cac ban co dong y khong?.

Ngay hom nay thoi gio tui co gioi han khong the tro chuyen voi cac ban duoc. Toi se gap cac ban vao ngay Thu Hai.
Than Ai,



 REF: 71757

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Thank Lynhat for your compliments.
Welcome guest and mixika.
I think that, we can't learn sucessfuly with out practicing. Now, I have a few occations to communicate with foreigner so talking with u in this forum is the best way to improve my E, are u too?
We should keep this line long time. I think It's more productive compare go to scholl to learn on paper. Sometimes I had knewn I made some mistakes, and if U find it. Please tell me and I am too.
Don't forget online everyday.
We should follow Lynhat, although he is very busy but he allway try to keep the line every day.

Cám ơn Lynhat đă động viên.
Chào mừng Guest và Mixika cùng tham gia.
Tớ nghĩ là, chúng ta không thể học được tiếng anh nếu thiếu thực hành. Hiện tại tớ ít có dịp giao tiếp với người ngoại quốc bởi vậy tớ thấy nói chuyên với mọi người trên diễn đàn này là cách tốt nhất để tớ thực hành tiếng anh. Các bạn có thấy như vậy không.
Tớ nghĩ chúng ta nên giữ mối liên hệ này lâu dài. Cách này có lẽ c̣n hiệu quả hơn dến trường và học trên giấy đấy.
Tôi biết ḿnh thỉnh thoảng cũng hay mắc lỗi, nếu ai biết xin chỉ giùm và tôi cũng sẽ vậy.
Các bạn đừng quên lên đây mỗi ngày nhé.
Chúng ta nên học Lynhat. Mặc dù anh ấy rất bận nhưng vẫn cố gắng giữ liên lạc mỗi ngày.



 REF: 71795

  Thong bao cam nhan spam den webmaster  edit - sua bai, thay doi  edit - sua bai, thay doi post reply - goy y kien, dang bai
Hi tungdaihiep,lynhat,mixika!
I agree with tungdaihiep's idea! I think the best to learn E well is the practice! So I usually online to chat with U to learn E better!Thank U very much!

Chao tungdaihiep,lynhat,mixika!
Minh dong y voi y kien cua ban tungdaihiep!Minh nghi rang cach tot nhat de hoc TA do la thuc hanh! Vi vay minh se thuong xuyen len mang noi ch voi cac ban de hoc TA tot hon!Cam on cac ban nhieu!



 REF: 71932

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Hi tungdaihiep, guest, mixika & other friends,
I totally agree with all of you. One of the best way to learn new things such as English is : PRACTICE – DRILL – REHEARSE. If you don’t mind, may I know your nick name, instead of calling “guest” all the time?. It is much friendlier to call a name.

When we talk about something, we must have a common topic. How about I start with the topic : HOPE.

All of us want basically the same things. Everybody wants to be happy. Hi,hi,hi…. I never yet met anyone saying, NO, I want to be miserable. Everyone wants to be healthy. Everybody wants to be at least reasonably prosperous. Hi,hi,hi…I know many of you want to be unreasonably prosperous. That is Okay. Everyone is interested in money. Hi,hi,hi… It is much better to have it. Everybody wants to be secured, to have friends, peace of mind etc. They want to have hope. That is for the future to be better. What part of hope does play in all of these?.

I believe that is basic of everything. IF THERE IS HOPE IN THE FUTURE. THERE IS POWER IS IN THE PRESENT. How happy can you be, if you have no hope?. How healthy can you be, if you have no hope?. How prosperous could you be, if you have no hope?. How secure are you, if you have no hope?. HOPE IS THE KEY FOR A LOT OF THINGS. I know, life is tough. If you tough on yourself, life can be tremendously rewarding to you. When you discipline yourself, you need to do, when you need to do them, you’ll enjoy benefits later on.

If you have hope, you will take action. Do you agree with me?



 REF: 71933

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Chao tungdaihiep, guest, mixika & cac ban khac,
Minh hoan toan dong y voi tat ca cac ban. Mot trong nhung con duong de hoc hoi nhung cai moi la, thi du nhu Anh Van bang cach : THUC HANH – KHOAN SAU – LAP LAI NHIEU LAN. Neu ban khong cam thay phien, minh co the biet duoc ky hieu cua ban khong, thay gi goi ten “guest” hoai?. Goi ten se than mat hon.

Khi chung minh noi chuyen lan nhau, chung minh can co mot de tai de noi. Hay la de minh bat dau bang de tai : HY VONG.

Tat ca chung ta dieu muon vai viec can ban nhat. Bai cu ai cung muon vui ve. Hi,hi,hi…Minh chua bao gio gap qua nguoi nao noi, KHONG, tui muon dau kho. Ai cung muon khoe manh. Ai cung muon it nhat co mot cuoc song thinh vuong. Hi,hi,hi… minh biet co mot so ba con muon co mot cuoc song rat la thinh vuong. Do cung duoc thoi. Ai cung thich thu co duoc tien. Hi,hi,hi…cai do that su nen co thi tot hon. Ai cung muon co mot cuoc song vung chac, co ban be, tam hon binh than, v…v. Ai cung muon co hy vong. Do lam cho tuong lai tot hon. Vai tro hy vong lam cai gi cho nhung su viec nay?.

Minh tin tuong do la nen tang cho nhung su viec. NEU CO HY VONG O TUONG LAI. HIEN TAI SE TAO RA MOT SUC MANH. Lam sao ban cam thay vui ve, neu ban khong co hy vong?. Lam sao ban cam thay khoe manh, neu ban khong co hy vong?. Lam sao ban cam thay an toan, neu ban khong co hy vong? HY VONG LA CHIA KHOA CHO RAT NHIEU SU VIEC. Minh biet, cuoc song day dau tranh. Neu ban dau tranh voi chinh ban than minh, cuoc song se cho nhieu su boi dap sau nay. Khi ban cho ra ky luat voi chinh ban than, nhung viec nen lam, khi nao ban lam no, ban se huong duoc nhung loi ich sau nay.

Neu ban co hy vong, ban se bat tay vao hanh dong. Cac ban co dong y voi minh khong?
Than Ai,



 REF: 71935

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I like to correct my mistake above :

Cho minh sua lai loi cua minh o tren :



 REF: 71959

  Thong bao cam nhan spam den webmaster  edit - sua bai, thay doi  edit - sua bai, thay doi post reply - goy y kien, dang bai
OK!So you call "MABU".
Hi tungdaihiep,mixika,lynhat!How weekend did U have?Interesting,good,hard,..?!
I realize lynhat tell money over and over. Do U love money?
Oh!I like lynhat's topic!I quite agree with U: "IF THERE IS HOPE IN THE FUTURE. THERE IS POWER IN THE PRESENT". If U tell me "What will you do in the future?".



 REF: 71970

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Hi mabufe,
You asked me : “Do you love money?”. Before, I answer your question, I have to establish a strong foundation in friendship first, and otherwise it will upset you. Money is a very sensitive subject to anyone. I’ve discovered that I upset a lot of people including my parents and family members. Finally, my family understands and agrees with my thinking.

You asked me another question : “What will you do in the future?”. Again, it is a very sensitive subject. I share my personal goals with my family and close friends. Those people will support me all the way to the top. I need those people. When I say, I’m going to this, to do that. A lot of people say, “You can’t do it. It is impossible, etc. In fact, those people say “I can’t do it”, it means, they can’t do it, not me. And they point a finger back to me. I know, I can achieve it. If I don’t trust myself, who is going to trust me?


Hi mabufe,
Ban hoi tui : “Anh co yeu tien khong?”. Truoc khi, tui tra loi cau hoi do cua ban, tui phai thanh lap mot su quan he tot trong ban be truoc, va neu khong, no se lam cho ban phat cau. Tien la mot van de rat la nhay ben voi bat cu nguoi nao. Tui kham ra, tui lam nhieu nguoi phat cau trong do co ba me tui, anh em tui. Sau cung, gia dinh hieu va dong y voi su suy nghi cua tui.

Ban hoi tui mot cau hoi khac : “Anh se lam gi o tuong lai?”. Mot lan nua, van de nay rat la nhay ben. Tui chia se nhung muc dich cua tui voi gia dinh va ban be than. Nhung nguoi nay se giup do tui di den thanh cong. Tui rat can nhung nguoi nay. Khi tui noi, tui se lam cai nay, cai no. Co rat nhieu nguoi noi, “Anh lam khong duoc. Chuyen do la hao huyen, v..v.. That su, nhung nguoi do tu noi “tui lam khong duoc”, co nghia la, ho lam khong duoc, cho khong phai tui. Va ho chi ngon tay vao tui. Tui tu biet, tui se lam duoc chuyen do. Neu tui khong tin chinh ban than tui, nguoi nao se tin tui?

Than ai,



 REF: 71971

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Hello friends,
Money is very important anywhere around the world. Everyone needs money. Money likes the blood in the body, likes oxygen to breathe, etc. If someone says, “I don’t like money”.Hi,hi, hi.. From my opinion, it may be right, may be wrong, that person is lying about other things as well.


Chao cac ban,
Tien rat la quan trong bat cu noi nao tren the gioi nay. Nguoi nao cung can tien. Tien giong nhu la mau luu thong trong co the con nguoi, giong nhu khong khi de hit tho .v…v. Neu co nguoi nao do noi, “Tui khong thich tien”. Hi,hi, hi.. Theo y nghi cua rieng tui, co the dung, co the sai, nguoi do se noi doc ve nhieu chuyen khac nua.

Than Ai,



 REF: 71972

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Hi! every body
Lynhat, I agree with your opinion about HOPE. I had an unfortunate childhood. My health was so bad. I constantly was ill that influenced my dayly life and learning very much. My parents were busy with work so I had to be alone with my disease. Sometimes I felt discouraged and thought about dead. At that time, I had only a dream - a good health to do common actions: running, playing games, joking freely like other childen. Now, When I remembered the past, I wondered which power did help me to breat out of hopeless. I realised Hope.
In the present, My life is still tough but I am stronger.
Life is much interesting , If I have a problem I will smile and face to face with it because I am confident in better future.



 REF: 71990

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Money? Who did not need money?
With me money is not important, the importance is: how much
money? hi hi
Hey, 8-3 is going on, How about the topic women? Who is women here?



 REF: 72027

  Thong bao cam nhan spam den webmaster  edit - sua bai, thay doi  edit - sua bai, thay doi post reply - goy y kien, dang bai
ooooh!I'm a girl but not woman.Hihi!
Yes,I quite think money is very important for life, however it isn't that all. In fact, there is many things important than money.Ex : health, family, love, friendship, honour, ..Are U ok?
I agree with tungdaihiep's opinion. I think "have stumble, have success".

Ḿnh cũng nghĩ rằng tiền rất quan trọng, tuy nhiên nó không fải là tất cả. Thực tế c̣n rất nhiều thứ quan trọng hơn tiền bạc. Như : sức khỏe, gia đ́nh, t́nh yêu, t́nh bạn, danh dự... Bạn có đồng ư với ḿnh không?
Ḿnh đồng ư với quan điểm của tungdaihiep. Ḿnh cho rằng có vấp ngă mới có thành công

Chắc là ḿnh viết c̣n nhiều chỗ sai chính tả lắm. Có ǵ các bạn cứ sửa cho ḿnh nhé. V́ ḿnh mới chỉ bập bẹ thôi mà. Trước đây ḿnh không học TA nên giờ ḿnh đang cố gắng trau dồi, và nhất là nói ch với các bạn để nâng cao tŕnh độ TA của ḿnh. Mong các bạn cứ chỉ giáo cho ḿnh nhé! Cám ơn các bạn nhiều



 REF: 72064

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Hi tungdaihiep, mabufe, and other friends,

I’m getting excited to know friends like you. Friends who share common interests and thinking. In this world, there are two types of problems. 1) Not enough money to spend. 2) Too much money to spend. Believe me, they are big problems. At present, I have a problem of not enough money. I don’t know which problem you like to have?. With me, hi, hi, hi,…hi, I like to have a problem of too much money.

I feel sad that tungdaihiep had a disease in early childhood. At present, Hi, hi, hi,…hi, I have an incurable disease that is, each time when I see a young girl, my eyes couldn’t blink, my mouth widely opens, my limbs paralyse. It is a horrible disease.

Last time, tungdaihiep used the word “enthusiasm”. Now mabufe used the word “success”. If both of you don’t mind, may I combine those words together with mine :

Enthusiasm consists of a few things such as : smile, humor, eyes, listen, attitude, etc.. When there is an opportunity, I’ll discuss each element with you.


Chao tungdaihiep, mabufe va cac ban khac,
Minh rat la phan khoi khi quen biet voi ban. Ban chia se cung quan niem va suy nghi. Tren the gioi nay, co hai loai noi kho. 1) Khong co du tien de chi phi. 2) Co rat nhieu tien de xai. Hay tin minh di, do la nhung noi kho rat la to tat. Hien gio, minh co noi kho do la thieu truoc, hut sau. Minh khong biet ban cho noi kho nao?. Rieng minh, hi, hi, hi,…hi, minh thich noi kho cua ke co duoc nhieu nhieu tien.

Minh cam thay buon voi ban tungdaihiep co mot can benh vao luc tuoi tho. Hien gio, Hi, hi, hi,…hi, minh co mot can benh nan y do la, moi lan minh thay mot co gai tre, minh nhin khong chop mat, mieng cua minh mo to ra, tu chi cua minh bi te liet. Do la mot can benh quai go.

Luc truoc, tungdaihiep xu dung cum tu “hang hai”. Bay gio ban mabufe xu dung cum tu “thanh cong”. Neu hai ban khong cam thay phien, cho tui duoc man phep ket hop hai chu do lai cung voi chu cua tui :

Hang hai gom co nhung phan tu nho : nu cuoi, di dom trao phung, doi mat, nghe, thai do, ….. Khi co mot co hoi, tui se noi ve nhung phan tu nay voi hai ban.

Than Ai,



 REF: 72091

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Hi every body!
Happy 8-3 for Mabufe. You are lucky, funny and beautiful. If I remember rightly, Your name like a cartoon character 7 DRAGON BALLS, right?
Lynhat, you have a vision of every things are wide and deep. You are sure experienced of life. With your disease, don't worry! have 50 percent man travel with you in the world. The difference is the way they display of emotion. Can I give you a individual question: Have you ever bump your head against lamp- post?
I must stop here, back later.



 REF: 72094

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please correct: a individual- an individual



 REF: 72127

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Hi everyone,
Happy 08/03 to Mabufe, too. Tungdaihiep said, Mabufe is lucky person. Is it lucky or unlucky to another person?. Hi. Hi, hi, ..Mabufe can only answer that question. Tungdaihiep said, Mabufe is a funny person. I’m not quite sure about that, but definitely she is a cheerful person. Tungdaihiep said, Mabufe is beautiful person. Hi. Hi, hi, ..again, somehow I doubt it?. Just assume, Tungdaihiep is right. In such a case, my incurable disease may arise. Can someone please help me?

Sure, Tungdaihiep, I experienced a very tough life in Sai Gon City. For example : cleaning on the streets, carry rice bags at different ports, sleeping in the front of the houses, hungry most of the time, etc.. But again, I’m still surviving now. That is why I treasure the value of money so much. Sometimes, I hear people say, “money is not important”. I think that person doesn’t have a clue what he or she is talking about.

Yeah, Tungdaihiep, quite often, I bump my head agaist the lamp posts. It is okay. I’m happy to receive those rewards.

Chao cac ban.
Chuc mung ngay 08/03 to Mabufe. Anh Tungdaihiep noi, Mabufe la mot nguoi may man. Do la may man hay la bat hanh cho mot nguoi nao do?. Hi. Hi, hi, .. chi co ban Mabufe co the tra loi cau hoi do thoi. Anh Tungdaihiep noi, Mabufe la mot nguoi di dom. Minh khong ro lam ve van de do, nhung ban Mabufe chac chan la mot nguoi vui ve. Anh Tungdaihiep noi, Mabufe la mot nguoi con gai dep. Hi. Hi, hi, .. sao ma minh nghi ngo qua?. Gia tuong, anh Tungdaihiep noi dung di. Trong truong hop nhu dzay, cai benh nan y cua tui se noi len. Nguoi nao do lam on cuu tui di?

Dung roi, anh Tungdaihiep, minh da trai qua mot cuoc song day song gio o thanh pho Sai Gon nay. Thi du nhu : quet rac o ngoai duong, vac gao o nhung ben tau, ngu truoc cua nha nguoi ta, thuong thuong la doi, v…v. Nhung, tui van con ton tai cho toi bay gio. Do la ly do tai sao minh rat quy trong dong tien kiem duoc. Thinh thoang, tui nghe nguoi ta noi, “tien khong quan trong”. Tui nghi nguoi do khong biet la chinh ho dang noi cai gi.

Vang, anh Tungdaihiep, rat nhieu lan, tui dung cai dau cua tui vao nhung cot tru dien. Khong sao. Minh rat vui ve nhan duoc nhung giai thuong do.
Than Ai,



 REF: 72142

  profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang  email - goi thu  Thong bao cam nhan spam den webmaster  edit - sua bai, thay doi  edit - sua bai, thay doi post reply - goy y kien, dang bai
Lynhat, maybe you misunderstanded my idea because of my expression in English is incorrect. On the occation of 8/3 I only wish Mabufe getting funs, lucks and beauty. I Don't known whether she is.



 REF: 72143

  profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang  email - goi thu  Thong bao cam nhan spam den webmaster  edit - sua bai, thay doi  edit - sua bai, thay doi post reply - goy y kien, dang bai
Lynhat, maybe you misunderstanded my idea because of my expression in English is incorrect. On the occation of 8/3 I only wish Mabufe getting funs, lucks and beauty. I Don't known whether she is.

Lynhat, có lẽ anh hiểu sai ư tôi một chút v́ cách diễn đạt của tôi hơi thiếu chính xác. Nhân dịp 8/3 tôi chỉ muốn chúc Mabufe may mắn, vui vẻ và xinh dẹp thôi c̣n sự thực cô ấy có như vậy không th́ tôi cũng không biết

  góp ư kiến


  Kí hiệu: : trang cá nhân :chủ để đă đăng  : gởi thư  : thay đổi bài  :ư kiến



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